Key process: Learning self determination and evaluating practitioner and patient relationships.
training has no written exams. The assessment of skills and progress is tracked
through various forms of self-assessment throughout the training. Self-assessment
is tracked through personal diaries, interviews, and practical feedback sessions.
Later in the training an extensive Self-Assessment paper is completed and reviewed
together with the tutors. This identifies how things are progressing and goals
are set for each student to reach the necessary requirements for Graduation.
There is a constant overview of this process and it greatly assists the tutors
to meet the individual needs of each student, and to help them graduate as safe,
skilled and resourced practitioners.
The process of self- assessment is also intended to prepare the student for
the time when they will eventually be in Practice. The pre-requisite skills
of presence, contact and listening are fundamental to the Practice of Craniosacral
Therapy, but most of all, the practitioner needs to be reflective and to discern
appropriate ways of working for each individual client.
For this reason it is helpful to track one’s own pathway in the learning
process as it reveals inner strengths and personal insight, which would otherwise
pass unnoticed or valued. This process of discernment can then be consciously
applied in the Practice setting.
Self assessment is a creative process of learning which helps to build a strong practice based on your own unique learning experiences and progress.
The process of SELF assessment, is intended to prepare you for actual practice as you will ultimately be reliant on your own practical skills and your ability to discern an appropriate treatment plan. The ongoing process of keeping a diary of your own process during the course, including your progress and findings in practice sessions and homestudy assignments, helps to build a foundation in the work based on your own capabilities.
It's also important to realise that this is refined and improved over a period of time. This models the way you will have to work things out in real practice, as you will often spend several sessions working towards a healing process that is suitable for each client. Within the homestudy assignments you will be asked to answer key questions that contribute to an ongoing self assessment of your comprehension and application of the work. You are also asked to record your practice treatments and to review them in study groups and together with the tutors.
The practical feedback sessions held during the course help the Tutors to make positive and fair comments about the criteria we are looking for in your practice skills. This is also discussed with contributions from your fellow students providing further insight into each others skills and progress.
This encourages a group responsibility to succeed and reach appropriate levels of skill. This process should help you to reflect on your existing skills, and to give guidance and focus where needed.