A simple overview of the study areas listed in A, B, C and D below. To see the full course in detail go to Training curriculum.

To see the way the currrent course is developed as 'seminar themes' go to seminar themes outline

The training is focused on developing an intimate relationship with the Tide and how it underpins health and balance.

The whole of the course is organised to follow the way the body develops from the earliest stages of embryological development and the accompanying enrgetic processes, and follows the process of change and development as the body grows and matures. This means that the early seminar themes are about the early stages of development. Then as the course goes on the realtionships of the anatomy and spaces and the way they are organised is studied. This is combined with an understanding of the way the body-mind axis is always self healing, self balancing and self-regulating.

The early part of the training program focuses on the development of practitioner skills, palpation skills and interpersonal skills. The development of ‘Awareness and Perceptual Skills’ is at the heart of the course work and forms the ground for all subsequent learning in the training programme. Practitioners learn to create a neutral centre from which to meet and relate to the client’s system.

With this ground of experience developed the practitioner begins to explore the more detailed anatomical relationships and their inter-relationships in the body. Each study area is developed gradually and later reviewed and combined together with their inter-relationships.

A/. Palpation & Perceptual skills and approach to treatment.

B/. Practical application of foundation skills to specific areas of study.

C/. Teaching and Study Format

D/. Self-assessment not exams

A/. Palpation skills and approach to treatment

Palpation and perceptual skills
• Inter-personal skills and awareness of practitioner and client boundaries.
• Ability to palpate Fluid and Tissue motility
• Reciprocal motion and States of Balanced Tension
• Embryological principles that underpin the Craniosacral process of healing
• Process and verbal skills

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B/. Practical application of foundation skills to specific areas of study

Within the training each study area will have detailed instruction relating to:

• The anatomy & its embryological development
• Palpation skills related to specific systems of the body
• Assessment of states of health and the re-establishment of natural states of balance.
• Therapeutic connections & related cranial skills

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Teaching methods include lectures, the use of visual aids, demonstrations, guided sessions, visualisation work, small group exploration and feedback, supervision, and feedback sessions.

Feedback on palpation and practitioner skills aims to support and nurture the practitioner’s capabilities. Where possible the feedback will match the personal learning style of the student.

Evaluation of the practitioner’s progress during the training is also based on the practitioner’s ability to self assess their own capabilities in relationship to the course content. Self-assessment processes occur regularly during the training.Course study also continues in between training modules. This includes practice sessions of work studied during previous modules, written work, reading and ongoing self-assessment. Students are also asked to write up a practice sessions.

‘Practice sessions’ are with practice clients who enter into a ‘non-paying, non-professional’ relationship with the student. Practice clients must understand that the purpose of the sessions is solely to support the students learning process. If the practice client needs professional they will be referred to a qualified practitioner. Students will receive supervision feedback on the practice sessions during seminar time.

Student progress is evaluated in an on-going manner throughout the training, and includes assessment of written work, palpatory skills and written self-assessment papers. Students are required to complete all home studies on time.

Students are expected to have regular sessions from a qualified practitioner within the two years of course time, to support their own health and progress in the application of the work.
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This training has no written exams. The assessment of skills and progress is tracked through various forms of self-assessment throughout the training. Self-assessment is tracked through personal diaries, interviews, and practical feedback sessions. Later in the training the Self-Assessment process is reviewed together with the tutors and this identifies how things are progressing and goals are set for each student to reach the necessary requirements for Graduation.

more info on Self Assessment