If you are interested in applying for any of the 'Return to Source' courses, please contact Paul Vick directly by phone or email.
Landline: 01994 419510
email be@heart-of-being.com

It is useful to outline your background of experience and why you are interested in attending one or all of theses courses. Please let us know which of the courses you are interested in.

People who attend these workshops

Essentially, there may well be something here that will either help support you: in therapeutic practice; study or personal development.

Simply and most importantly, you are looking for a ways to enhance your lifeskills, and life experience and connection to Source

Open to people from various backgrounds:

You will probably be interested in the healing arts, creative arts, dance, movement and meditation practices, yoga, chi kung or lifeskills in general.

You may be a therapist wanting to understand more about the body and energy, so that you can work more effectively with your clients.

You may have detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology in a theoretical way but seek to have a more embodied experience, to work with a more 'Heart Centred Approach'.

What happens in the Courses?
The coures are extremely practical. Go to this page for ideas and pictures

Contact Paul to find out more

Return to Source